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  • harnpowei@gmail.com

Po-wei Harn

I am currently an assistant professor at the computer science and information engineering department from National Central University, Taoyuan City, Taiwan. I received my Ph.D. degree in 2024 from the Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering, Auburn University, Auburn, AL, USA. My B.S. degree is in mathematics and my M.S. degree is in computer science. I received them both from National Central University in 2013 and 2015. I joined the Institute for Information Industry, Taipei, Taiwan, where I served as an Engineer from 2015 to 2018. My research interest is Genetic Programming of Evolutionary Computation, Graph Neural Network of Machine Learning, and Searchable Encryption of Cybersecurity.

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Latest News

[04/2024] Finished my Ph.D. defense. Dissertation Title: "A novel Quadtree-Based Genetic Programming for Security and AI Applications".
[03/2023] Our paper "A Novel Quadtree-Based Genetic Programming Search for Searchable Encryption Optimization" has been accepted in GECCO Companion 2023.
[10/2022] Two papers "IGRP: Iterative Gradient Rank Pruning for Finding Graph Lottery Ticket" and "Location-based Alert System Using Searchable Encryption with Hilbert Curve Encoding" have been accepted in BigData 2022.
[12/2021] Our paper "An RFID Zero-knowledge Authentication Protocol based on Quadratic Residues" has been accepted in IoT-J 2022.
[06/2021] Our paper "Multiple Ground/Aerial Parcel Delivery Problem: A Weighted Road Network Voronoi Diagram based Approach" has been accepted in Distributed Parallel Databases 2021.
[03/2019] Joined Auburn University as a Ph.D. Student. War Eagle!
[12/2018] Our paper "An Overlapping Voronoi Diagram-based System for Multi-Criteria Optimal Location Queries" has been accepted in Geoinformatica 2019.
[09/2016] Our paper "A framework for updating multi-criteria optimal location query (demo paper)" has been accepted in ACM SIGSPATIAL 2016.

Selected Publications [and more... ]

  1. Po-Wei Harn, Bo Hui, Sai Deepthi Yeddula, Libo Sun, Min-Te Sun and Wei-Shinn Ku, "A Novel Quadtree-Based Genetic Programming Search for Searchable Encryption Optimization,"in Companion Proceedings of the Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation (GECCO Companion 2023)
  2. Po-Wei Harn, Sai Deepthi Yeddula, Bo Hui, Jie Zhang, Libo Sun, Min-Te Sun and Wei-Shinn Ku, "IGRP: Iterative Gradient Rank Pruning for Finding Graph Lottery Ticket," in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data 2022)
  3. Po-Wei Harn, Sai Deepthi Yeddula, Libo Sun, Min-Te Sun and Wei-Shinn Ku, "Location-based Alert System Using Searchable Encryption with Hilbert Curve Encoding, " in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data 2022)
  4. Jian Song, Po-Wei Harn, Kazuya Sakai, Min-Te Sun and Wei-Shinn Ku, "An RFID Zero-Knowledge Authentication Protocol Based on Quadratic Residues," in IEEE Internet of Things Journal (IoT-J 2022)
  5. Po-Wei Harn, Ji Zhang, Ting Shen, Wenlu Wang, Xunfei Jiang, Wei‑Shinn Ku, Min‑Te Sun, Yao‑Yi Chiang. "Multiple ground/aerial parcel delivery problem: a Weighted Road Network Voronoi Diagram based approach. " (Distributed Parallel Databases 2021)
  6. Ji Zhang, Po-Wei Harn, Wei-Shinn Ku, Xiao Qin, Hua Lu, and Xunfei Jiang. "An overlapping Voronoi diagram-based system for multi-criteria optimal location queries." (Geoinformatica 2019)
  7. Po-Wei Harn, Ji Zhang, Min-Te Sun and Wei-Shinn Ku. "A framework for updating multi-criteria optimal location query (demo paper) ". in Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (SIGSPATIAL/GIS 2016)